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Multi-Academy Trusts

Benefit from Trust wide financial savings, including free calls between all connected sites. 

Our bespoke solutions are easily scalable, accommodating your Federation or Trust's evolving needs.




Overflow calls between sites

Hunt groups across all site

Take your extension wherever you go

Choice of individual school or central billing

Trust-wide support with substantial cost savings

Calls can be routed to another staff member at an

alternative site if the intended recipient is unavailable

Whitby Secondary Partnership

Tasked with bringing multiple sites into a Partnership, where communications are paramount to success, we felt daunted logistically. We knew that much planning would be necessary on many fronts. We decided to look at expanding Leverstock's existing successful implementation to the other sites. As the biggest of the sites, we were already running IP Phones across the school where the others were not.


What surprised me was how Leverstock and their software could already adapt a single site to three (or more), all with their own school identities. This included individual billing, greetings, voice messages, etc., and the capability of sharing a single management system. If we wish, calls can easily flow between sites, and we can handle each other's calls at busy times. Richard reassured me that they could undoubtedly achieve all our ideas plus more, and within a few hours, all were implemented.


I cannot thank Leverstock and Richard enough for their excellent support. They highly exceeded all expectations.

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Thomas Hutchinson - ICT Network Manager

School's out
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